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Services 1

Don't Know What To Start With?

We Are Ready For Challenge

We are absolutely ready for the all kind of ventilation services provide and We make to give 100%.



Ventilation Services

Includes the installation, servicing, repair and maintenance of ventilation and ventilation equipment



Handyman Services

A professional who provides installation,repairing & maintenance services. Ready to provide fixes all areas.

We Providing Excellent And Wide Range Ventilation Services

At Mr. Handy we have over 25 years of ventilation service experience, providing a wide fresh and clean air When there are lots of people in a confined space, whether is for work, conference or a public event.

the Handy platforms. Our team has well trained experience for the best service outcome. It has many year experience.

All Ventilation Service

They must be able to troubleshooting any problems that the equipment may have.

Happy Client Says About
Our Company

Thank you Mr.Handy for handling all work as well as the communications with our Home Owners Association. It was a very smooth and great experience. They are now my permanent handy service. And many more helpful for the feature work.

Nadia Gruny

Company MD
Thank you Mr.Handy for handling all work as well as the communications with our Home Owners Association. It was a very smooth and great experience. They are now my permanent handy service. And many more helpful for the feature work.

Jack Metiyo Shina

Company CEO
Thank you Mr.Handy for handling all work as well as the communications with our Home Owners Association. It was a very smooth and great experience. They are now my permanent handy service. And many more helpful for the feature work.

Steve Forbes

Thank you Mr.Handy for handling all work as well as the communications with our Home Owners Association. It was a very smooth and great experience. They are now my permanent handy service. And many more helpful for the feature work.

Tomas Baker


We offers our services on a “Pay as You Use” basis. There is a minimum charge of $50 per visit, which is exempt if the
repair cost is more than $200. We also offer 3 days workmanship guarantee.