Certifications & test reports are recognized around the world
Effective plans for expanding renew energy requires reliability.
Equally important depending on your place in the value-chain.
I just wanted to tell you that how much I am enjoying having solar.
Solar Now did a great job with my installation.
Solar Services
Includes the installation, servicing, repair and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment
Handyman Services
A professional who provides installation,repairing & maintenance services. Ready to fixes for all areas.
We Help You to Build Everything Solar Plan You Needed!
Get help from a caring and knowledgeable professional. Let us know what we can do to make your life easier. Mr. Handy always places clients at the center of our attention.
know what we can do to make your life easier and healthier. It is became always place for clients for their handyworks
$ 120
$ 185
$ 175
We offers our services on a “Pay as You Use” basis. There is a minimum charge of $50 per visit, which is exempt if the
repair cost is more than $200. We also offer 3 days workmanship guarantee.